Silurian Software

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Silurian Geology
Geology Index Index of pages describing the Silurian geological time period
Silurian Background General introduction to Silurian times and the principal developments
Life Evolves How the Silurian epoch fits into the general pattern of the evolution of life
Time Line Where the Silurian time period fits in the history of the Earth
Silurian Rocks Distribution of rocks of Silurian rocks over the world
Ancient Reefs Information about reefs that were a widespread deposit in Silurian times
Silurian System Technical detail about how the Silurian time period is defined and sub-divided
Maps Reconstructions of the position of land masses during the Silurian period
Fossil Gallery A gallery of fossils from the Silurian time period
Geological Links An assortment of web sites with useful geological information
Silurian Shropshire The world famous Wenlock Edge outcrop of Silurian Limestone
Wenlock Edge General information about the significance of this historic landform
Silurian American The important deposition of Silurian rocks in America

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